Modern Civilization's Origin is Babylon

After the beginning of man, fallen angels reproduced with human women, and shared their knowledge with their offspring, who were giants.
These giants ruled the world and built old world buildings - "mud flood buildings" - the likes of which modern civilization has no ability to build today.
The world was cleansed in Noah's flood, and the giants and their civilization were no more, and their buildings which survived sunk into the earth.
Yet being born of angels, their spirits remained in the earth and did not pass on, and the giants became demons and evil spirits.
No longer with a body they are eager to control the flesh of men, so promised many things and great knowledge to their hosts.
They set about to rebuild their civilization vicariously and to bring mankind to their side.
All of mankind lived in the Tower of Babel, and among their leaders were the possessed, and made use of their technology to construct the tower and keep mankind placated and under their rule.
This did not last, they could not keep control of all mankind once the language of man was confused and split apart.
Being unable to understand eachother and unwilling to any spend more time in confusion, the tribes of man separated from eachother and made civilizations in the outside world.
Yet some remained at the tower.
The leaders were unwilling to give up their power, and set out to make Babylon the ruler of the world once more.
They communicated with eachother with drawings, icons, and symbols, and eventually learned eachother's languages.
They took what valuable materials and technology they could carry from the tower and built their civilization.
They did not let their technology fall into the hands of outsiders, keeping it to themselves - only higher members of their society were granted access.
The tower was destroyed, but Babylon remained.
As a city, but more significantly as a secret society, always seeking to eventually integrate the whole world under its control again.
They offered great wonders to rulers and peoples with their technology, trickery, and demons - again promising much.
They tried and failed again and again, success and setback continually repeating as they struggled for control.
Eventually they succeeded.
Now they have control over the world, all the leaders of nations are members of their cult, they have no more enemies on earth.
There was no need to hide large portions of their technology from mankind anymore, with no enemies on earth there was no strategic advantage.
On the contrary, their technology can be used to more efficiently control mankind and funnel members into their cult.
Yet in the present day, their reign once again is coming to an end.
All they can do is continually harass and tempt mankind, and enjoy abusing their power, while time is running out.
The time of our Lord Jesus Christ's return approaches.
The whole earth will reel and shake, mountains will melt, and Babylon will be utterly destroyed - forever.

We cannot build old world buildings.

USA Capitol Building is preflood.

Building unearthing in progress.

Connecting to the KJV Bible

Genesis 6:4
“There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”
The giants were substantial figures in their days.
They had power over the earth.
And a parent favors their child, they would have been granted the knowledge of their parent angels.
Genesis 11:4
“And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.”
Genesis 11:9
“Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.”
The purpose of the Tower of Babel is stated as keeping all of mankind together unseparated.
It sounds like a nice or innocuous idea, but thinking about it for a second this is clearly a One World Government.
And In order to keep mankind placated enough to live under one roof and not explore the greater world that requires technology.
No one would tolerate it if they didn't have plumping lighting, climate control, and entertainment.
Such a large structure would require powered elevators to move supplies back and forth, and no one would tolerate having to walk stairs for hours every day.
Luke 2:1
“And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.”
In the time Jesus walked the earth, the world was already moving towards a one world government.
One nation ruled over the others and could enforce a tax upon the whole world.
Jude 1:6
“And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.”
The angels which left their first estate are the angels who left heaven to reproduce with human women, and became fallen angels in doing so.
Yet these have already been placed in chains under darkness, away from the earth.
So what are the demons, devils, and evil spirits if they are not the fallen angels?
They must be the children of the angels.
The apocryphal Book of Enoch directly mentions giants becoming evil spirits.
As they were born of spirit their spirit remains after their body dies, and as they were born of flesh on earth they remain on earth and cannot escape.
Revelation 22:18-19 lists punishments for tampering with the Bible, adding and removing parts.
Which means it is possible for a condemned person to have done this to some extent.
If it could happen, some evil person would have done it.
Infact, you can see today "translations" like the NIV remove parts from the Bible, such as mentions of fasting.
Though God is God so his word is sufficiently preserved, the truth remains even if it is obscured.
The books which detailed more about the giants were removed, the Book of Enoch and the book of Jasher.
These are not as reliable as books in the KJV, they must be taken with a grain of salt, not everything said in there can be trusted.