Dietary Fiber

NOTE: I don't know if wheat bran is worth it anymore.
They heavily spray wheat with herbicides like glyphosate right before harvest to allow their combine harvesters to easily cut through the dying wheat plants.
Wheat bran, being the outer shell of the grain, is exposed to the poison more than the insides (which is used to make flour).
I still think bran has benefits, but is it worth the poison that comes with it? I dunno.
Everything comes with poison, so how can you figure out which things make things better and which make things worse?
In general motivation for anything really is difficult, things won't ever be great here, only less bad.

I've started eating oats with a little wheat bran and my health has improved significantly.
I eat oats and wheat bran raw with some water to hydrate them.
I think bran & oats have deliberately been removed from modern diets to keep people sick and dependent on the system.
Many disorders they call "genetic" seem to be gut related.
White bread and white rice are pushed and oatmeal & pottage are ignored or demeaned as "gruel" and beneath "modern civilization".
Supermarkets are full of garbage cereals and artificial baked goods.
Soluable fiber (oat) is necessary for gut bacteria to process foods properly and its absence has led to disorders like "wheat intolerance".
Insoluable fiber (bran) is necessary for the body to collect and remove poisons and waste, and it's absence (along with society's rampant poisons) has led to disorders of chronic fatigue and cognitive impairments.

The oats and wheat bran are put near the cereals and oatmeals in supermarkets I've been to, there's cheap store brand packets.
They like providing what's necessary to deal with this place as they think it's karmic release.
All those health food alternative ideas and fads are pushed to distract from the necessary things right in front of us.
Peasants in the past didn't need exotic health foods and supplements for their strength and well being, they had enough for hard labor locally and cheaply.
It was the rich and the nobles that suffered issues from eating too much expensive and exotic food and not eating enough cheap "peasant food".
Store brand shouldn't matter just got pictures, never had these brands either.