Electric Trees!

Ground to air lightning next to trees

There's plenty of energy in the air. Lightning is that energy moving around.

Trees don't just use sunlight, they absorb electricity in the air.

Upside down trees look like lightning

Trees detect eachother's electrical fields to avoid crowding eachother

They call it `canopy shyness` or `crown shyness`.

Neat video of trees from above.


Functional Internet Game

Play it here. It's a platformer jumping arcade game.

(1MB in size, maybe i can debloat it later)

It's based on that atari homebrew. Later I should be able to get that other game compiling to the web, but it needs extra work as it uses more stuff.

Doesn't have real fonts - thats just rectangles drawn like a 7 segment display (alarm clock), I liked that a lot, writing that was much faster and easier than manually drawing rects for each number, even got some letters too.

Real fonts need more work, and it kinda fits the retro theme.

It looks like this if you can't run it.

I think its finished, I don't think I can change it much more without turning it into something else or expending a lot more effort (which isn't going to happen).

Maybe I'll revisit this idea as a different game though.

I was going to rant about how ever since flash died its been difficult to get interactive games out on the internet, and how the current means is obnoxious and even meanspirited to developers especially new ones, but technically it works.

Regardless of my misgivings there's already enough negativity everywhere anyway, everyone already has enough, so its not really worth bothering.

Another Game Very unfinished platformer exploration game, basically a tech demo.


Unrefined ideas, ramblings, and page scratchings.